Stimulates hair follicles, allowing hair to grow back thicker and fuller

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive hair loss treatment that stimulates hair follicles and allows hair to grow back thicker and fuller. Also commonly referred to as ‘cold therapy’, ‘soft laser’, or ‘red light therapy’, LLLT is unique as it does not heat the tissue in target areas, unlike other lasers that are used for treating pigmentation.

LLLT is an innovative non-surgical hair loss treatment in Singapore that uses laser light to stimulate cell growth and charge up hair follicles.

It is a non-invasive, risk-free treatment that effectively helps to combat hair loss and improve the overall volume and appearance of hair.

To understand how LLLT works, you’ll need to be introduced to the cytochrome C molecule, which is found in our hair follicles. When these cytochrome C molecules absorb light during LLLT, they become activated and send signals to the other cells in the hair follicle. These signals help delay cell death and reduce inflammation. Eventually, this all results in the development of darker, thicker hair.

How does the LLLT work?

LLLT not only helps regrow hair, but accelerates the repair of connective tissue in the scalp, and acts as a gentle anti-inflammatory agent. LLLT is genuine laser therapy, and is not to be confused with light therapy.

During LLLT, clients sit under a headpiece that is very much akin to a salon steamer. The low-level lasers in the headpiece are then evenly directed at the client's hair and scalp throughout the treatment session.

Speak to us to find out which Artisan Hair Regrowth Treatment is best for you.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your dream look.

Why choose Low-Level Laser Therapy in Singapore

High level efficacy

There is extensive research that proves the efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy. Most individuals experience up to a 40% increase in new hair growth within 16 weeks.

Pain and risk-free

LLLT is FDA-approved, painless, free from side effects, and extremely low risk. At most, you might experience a slight tingling sensation during treatment.

Zero downtime

As LLLT is a non-invasive procedure, you can resume your daily activities immediately after LLLT treatment.

Can be used to supplement other hair loss treatment

LLLT is safe to use alongside other hair loss medications and procedures, and serves as an excellent complementary treatment.

20 minutes per session

Repeated treatments will be required to achieve optimal results.

  • FDA-approved
  • Zero downtime needed
  • Supports even hair growth
  • Hair grows back fuller and darker
  • Repairs scalp tissue
  • Gradual, visible results
  • Complements other hair loss treatments (eg. medication, hair transplant)

Who is it recommended for

LLLT has been approved by the FDA as a suitable hair loss treatment for both men and women. While it is mainly used to treat male or female pattern baldness, it can also effectively treat other forms of hair loss that stem from causes such as chemotherapy, pregnancy, or menopause.

LLLT is suitable for:

  • Individuals undergoing concurrent hair loss treatments
  • Individuals who still have active hair follicles
  • Men and women who are 18 years or older
  • Those dealing with male or female pattern hair loss
  • Those who are already using other hair loss treatment methods
  • Those experiencing hair loss related to illness, pregnancy, and menopause

Comparison of Hair Loss Treatments

An overview table comparison of popular hair loss treatments offered in Singapore.

FUE Hair Transplant

Hair loss stages 1-6

Hair loss stages 1-4

Hair loss stages 1-3

Hair loss stages 1-6

Hair loss stages 1-4

Hair loss stages 1-3

Artisan Hair Regrowth
Regenera Activa
LLLT by ArtiScience
Stage of hair loss
Treatment mode

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Non-surgical & non-invasive

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Non-surgical & non-invasive


Proprietary serum with 140 growth factors

AnteAge serum

AnteAge serum

Long-lasting results

Long-lasting results

Long-lasting results

Micro-hair grafts

Laser therapy


May require multiple sessions depending on individual needs

Permanent results

Long-lasting results

Every 2 weeks for 6 months

Every 2 weeks for 6 months

Long-lasting results


Once monthly for best results

Once monthly for best results

Every 2 weeks for 6 months

Show more

Deciding which procedure is right for you depends on several factors.

At ArtiScience Hair Centre, we will be pleased to advise you on the most suitable procedure for your needs.

who is a candidate

for Low-Level Laser Treatment

LLLT is suitable for:

  • Individuals undergoing concurrent hair loss treatments
  • Individuals who still have active hair follicles
  • Men and women who are 18 years or older
  • Those dealing with male or female pattern hair loss
  • Those who are already using other hair loss treatment methods
  • Those experiencing hair loss related to illness, pregnancy, and menopause

What to expect?

for Low-Level Laser Treatment

  • Improve hair loss
  • New hair growth can generally be observed
Frequently asked questions

What Our Patients Say

Hair Loss Is A Medical Condition

Understanding our human hair anatomy allows us to achieve a higher success rate in reversing hair loss condition.

Growing phase (Anagen)

Cells in the root of your hair rapidly divide for new hair to form. Hair grows about half an inch a month. This phase lasts an average of 3-5 years.

Regressing phase (Catagen)

Active hair growth ceases, and individual hairs separate from the hair follicle. This phase lasts for about 10 days.

Resting phase (Telogen)

Hair strands remain in their follicles for about 3 months before falling off to make way for new hair follicles. After which, losing about 50-100 strands of hair per day is normal. Hair loss may occur when this growth cycle is disrupted. If your hair is not growing as long or fast as it used to be, you may be experiencing a disruption in your hair growth cycle for various reasons. Speak to us for a solution.


Hair loss can be treated.

If you have been suffering from hair loss and are ready to recapture and redefine what beauty means to you, who better to get help from than an expert artisan? First, tell us what your problems you are facing.

Please indicate your current problem or share any other remarks for us to note before your appointment.

Let's start your journey of transformation.

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