What is male pattern baldness?
Otherwise known as Androgenetic alopecia, or male hair loss, male pattern baldness is a condition where a male hormone called DHT binds with scalp receptors, thereby causing hair thinning, weakening hair grafts (miniaturisation), and hair loss.
Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. So if you’re dealing with the condition, you are not alone - Roughly 85% of men will have major hair loss by the time they're 50. Some men might even start to lose hair before turning 21.
Male pattern baldness doesn’t usually signal an underlying medical problem. However, it can severely affect a man’s self-esteem, interpersonal relations, and overall quality of life. Some men may also experience higher levels of anxiety and depression.

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What are the common symptoms of male pattern baldness in Singapore?
A receding or M-shaped hairline is a common sign of male pattern baldness. Subsequently, the hair on top of your head will start to thin, eventually forming a bald spot. Lastly, the combined hair loss will create a horseshoe pattern of hair around the sides.
Thus, the two main symptoms to look out for are:
- A receding hairline (frontal part of scalp)
- Hair loss on the top of one’s head (vertex)

The stages of male pattern hair loss:
A full head of hair with little to no recession of the hairline.
A triangular recession around the temples and sideburns. This type of hair loss is considered mild but is still visible. Your hairline might start to have a V or M shape from a bird’s eye view.
At stage 3, the hairline recedes even more (becoming visible from the front and sides), and takes on a more significant M or V shape. Men might also have little or no hair around the temples. Thinning around the crown might also occur. This is known as Norwood Type 3 Vertex hair loss.
Men in this stage have severe hair loss around the hairline and an obviously bald appearance. They also have little or no hair on their vertex scalp. Many notice a clear portion of dense hair between their hairline and their balding crown area.
Along with significant, obvious hair loss around your hairline and crown, the band of hair separating your hairline and crown gradually becomes both thinner and smaller.
You may still have some hair, but coverage is sparse, and your scalp will be clearly visible. There may still be a thin band of hair separating these areas. You’ll also notice the classic horseshoe pattern occurring on the back and sides of your head.
Almost none of the hair on your scalp will be left, aside from a few stray hairs or small areas with relatively fine hairs. The classic horseshoe pattern of thin hair is all you’ll have left.
Seek treatment before it is too late
As male pattern baldness is a progressive condition, it is crucial to seek treatment early. While some men might wait years before deciding to seek treatment, it is those who seek solutions quickly after noticing hair loss who tend to see the best results.
This is because the longer you wait, the less likely you’ll be able to recover hair that has already been lost. This is due to miniaturisation, which causes hair follicles to shrink so much that new hair completely ceases to grow.

What causes male pattern baldness?
Almost all male-pattern baldness is the result of a genetic trait that runs in the family. However, there are other risk factors to consider:
- Certain medications
- Too much vitamin A
- Insufficient protein
- Smoking
Some men wrongly believe the following can cause male pattern baldness:
- Wearing a baseball cap
- Running fingers through your hair
- Combing, brushing, twisting or styling
While illness or stress can lead to sudden, heavy hair loss, the condition called telogen effluvium is not to be confused with male pattern baldness. Thankfully, apart from male-pattern baldness, hair loss often reverses itself.
How is male pattern baldness diagnosed in Singapore?
Male pattern hair loss requires a clinical diagnosis by a doctor.
While consultation and examination are necessary, laboratory tests need not be done. Professionals use the Norwood-Hamilton scale to determine the different stages and severity of hair loss.
What are the treatment options available for male pattern baldness in Singapore?
No matter what stage of the Norwood scale you’re in, there are available treatments in Singapore that can solve your hair loss problems. Here are a few common solutions:

Change your diet
Eating right is a good first step towards growing new hair. For example, you can increase your iron intake with foods like spinach or red meat.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
Medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride can effectively treat hair loss, and are most suitable for men in stages 3 to 5 on the Norwood scale.
Such medications will need to be used daily, and while results vary from person to person, it usually takes about 6 months to notice improvements.
Side effects of Minoxidil include:
▸ An itchy scalp
▸ Headaches
Side effects of Finasteride include:
▸ Impotence
▸ Lowered libido
▸ Abnormal ejaculation
▸ Swelling in your hands or feet
▸ Dizziness and weakness

Downside of Minoxidil & Finasteride
Usually Minoxidil and Finasteride needs to be applied/taken long term. Do also note that upon stopping such medication, the new hair that you’ve grown will fall out within 3 to 4 months.
We would advise our patients on Minoxidil / Finasteride to take the medication daily until 50 or 60 when hair is no longer a main issue for them (I mean, who cares if your hair drops when your a grandfather?)
PROPECIA (the original consumer name for Finasteride) helps most men with male pattern hair loss, but as with all medicines, it may have unwanted adverse effects. All medicines can have adverse effects. Sometimes they are serious, most of the time they are not.
The most serious side effect of Finasteride is sexual dysfunction (i.e erectile dysfunction and/or decreased libido). They can happen to around 3% of men taking them (3 out of every 100 men who take it, meaning 97 out of 100 men who take it have no such side effects). It is important to understand that, in clinical trials, these unwanted effects disappeared in men who stopped taking PROPECIA, as well as in many men who continued treatment.

Styling tricks
Styling tricks can make hair loss stand out less. Cut thinning hair short so you can avoid a comb-over. Certain shampoos, conditioners, and styling products may add volume to what you do have. Also, eat a balanced diet, and handle your hair gently.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT)
Low-Level Laser Therapy works by increasing blood flow in the scalp and reducing scalp inflammation. Treatment regimes usually consist of 20-minute sessions that occur thrice a week. You can expect stronger and thicker hair shafts after undergoing LLLT.

FUE Hair Transplant
FUE Hair Transplant in Singapore is an effective and permanent solution for recovering hair on a bald scalp.
It is suitable for both male and female pattern hair loss, and can also successfully treat other hair loss conditions such as alopecia areata and scarring alopecia.

Artisan Hair Regrowth
Artisan Hair Regrowth treatment is an in-clinic injection hair loss treatment in Singapore. By using advanced technology called the La Raccine Automated Dermal Hydrator, serum is injected into the scalp, stimulating hair growth and reducing the damage caused by hair loss.
This treatment stimulates hair follicles and encourages hair growth while being gentle on the scalp. The serum also contains effective anti-inflammatory and growth factors. The success rate for this treatment is 90%.
Take note
Do be careful when you’re exploring your options, and always get a professional diagnosis before undergoing any treatment.
Many “miracle” products and services are scams in disguise, but a certified doctor or dermatologist will be able to give you real results.
What is the procedure for Artisan Hair Regrowth treatment like?
Compared to many other treatments available in Singapore today, Artisan Hair Regrowth is much more non-invasive, painless, and risk-free.
- Our doctor will inject a special hair regrowth serum onto your chosen areas.
- The La Raccine Automated Dermal Hydrator allows the doctor to deliver the serum precisely into your hair follicles to best treat hair loss.
Depending on your condition, you may or may not need local anaesthesia. With anesthesia, this treatment should be painless on the scalp.
What are the benefits of Artisan Hair Regrowth treatment in Singapore?
There are many reasons why our clientele favour this treatment. Apart from being one of the quickest solutions available today (the procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes), it is also:
- Requires zero downtime
- Formulated to be gentle on the scalp
- Treats hair loss and encourages hair growth
- 90% success rate for treating hair loss
- Can help clients regain a full head of hair
With our 99% success rate, we’re confident that we’ll be able to offer you a suitable treatment plan that will give you the lush locks you desire.
Our team of specialists pay close attention to each and every man who walks through our doors. Hair conditions are vastly unique, and every man deserves a solid chance at looking youthful and virile.