FUE Hair Transplant offers a 90% success rate.

Follicular Hair Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant is a minimally invasive procedure whereby groups of hair follicles are harvested from ‘donor areas’ and transplanted onto balding ‘recipient areas’ of the scalp. As the only permanent solution for hair loss available today, FUE Hair Transplant offers clients a reassuring 90% success rate.

FUE harvests and transplants not just hair follicles, but an entire accompanying piece of scalp or skin onto target areas.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants restore hair by replacing old and defunct hair follicles with healthy follicles that are still able to grow hair. Once harvested and transplanted, these new follicles will begin growing hair in previously thinning or balding areas on the scalp.

The main goal of this procedure is to cause hair in donor areas to regrow and look thicker and fuller.


As FUE technology significantly reduces the risk of developing an unnatural ‘hair plug’ look, it has become more popular than FUT.

Additionally, FUE, unlike FUT, does not cause large, linear strips of noticeable scarring. Whether you are balding or have thinning hair, as long as you have sufficient hair to use for a transplant, you are a good candidate for FUE Hair Transplant. Conversely, those who do not have enough healthy, dense donor hair might not be able to achieve optimal results from the procedure.

Speak to us to find out if you're a candidate for FUE Hair Transplant

Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your dream look.

Why choose FUE Hair Transplant

Less trauma, better results

The graft survival rate for FUE ranges from 90 to 99% (It is 75% for FUT). This precise and innovative method causes less trauma to hair follicles, thus producing fuller, thicker, and healthier hair.

Less pain, more gain

Unlike with older methods, there is little pain after an FUE procedure. With the use of local anaesthesia, most clients either report that drugstore pain-alleviating medicines are more than enough for staying comfortable after their procedure, or zero pain at all.

Little to no scarring

FUT helps regrow hair, but at the cost of a noticeable and linear scar. If you’d like to wear your hair short, FUE is an exceptional solution, as extraction sites during the procedure are miniscule (1mm and below).Any resulting scarring is often imperceptible, and heals within days.

Convenient recovery

As a FUE Hair Transplant is performed under local anaesthesia, you can conveniently drive yourself to and from your appointment. Most clients can resume their daily activities after the procedure. Furthermore, you won’t have any staples or stitches to worry about.

Typically, a FUE Hair Transplant takes roughly 6 to 9 hours, with a lunch break in between.

The total time required for each procedure depends on the number of grafts needed. Most individuals need 500 to 2,000 grafts, or up to 3,000 grafts in cases of male pattern baldness.

  • Significantly less invasive than FUT
  • Diffused, nearly undetectable scarring
  • Extremely natural-looking results
  • Minimal downtime
  • Little to no pain or discomfort
  • Cost-flexibility and affordability
  • Clients can expect up to 80% of transplanted hair to grow back
  • Minor side effects that resolve within a few days

Who is it recommended for

LLLT is suitable for:

  • Individuals aged 18 to 65
  • Individuals who can afford the time for surgery
  • Individuals with thick donor hair available for harvesting
  • Those who are struggling with male pattern baldness
  • Those experiencing hair loss on specific areas (eg. crown, hairline)

Before / After

Comparison of Hair Loss Treatments

An overview table comparison of popular hair loss treatments offered in Singapore.

FUE Hair Transplant

Hair loss stages 1-6

Hair loss stages 1-4

Hair loss stages 1-3

Hair loss stages 1-6

Hair loss stages 1-4

Hair loss stages 1-3

Artisan Hair Regrowth
Regenera Activa
LLLT by ArtiScience
Stage of hair loss
Treatment mode

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Non-surgical & non-invasive

Non-surgical (minimally invasive)

Non-surgical & non-invasive


Proprietary serum with 140 growth factors

AnteAge serum

AnteAge serum

Long-lasting results

Long-lasting results

Long-lasting results

Micro-hair grafts

Laser therapy


May require multiple sessions depending on individual needs

Permanent results

Long-lasting results

Every 2 weeks for 6 months

Every 2 weeks for 6 months

Long-lasting results


Once monthly for best results

Once monthly for best results

Every 2 weeks for 6 months

Show more

Deciding which procedure is right for you depends on several factors.

At ArtiScience Hair Centre, we will be pleased to advise you on the most suitable procedure for your needs.

who is a candidate

for FUE Hair Transplant

  • Individuals aged 18 to 65
  • Individuals who can afford the time for surgery
  • Individuals with thick donor hair available for harvesting
  • Those who are struggling with male pattern baldness
  • Those experiencing hair loss on specific areas (eg. crown, hairline)

What to expect?

for FUE Hair Transplant

  • Darker, thicker, and fuller hair
  • Even and continual hair regrowth
  • A natural-looking, full head of hair
Frequently asked questions

What Our Patients Say

Hair Loss Is A Medical Condition

Understanding our human hair anatomy allows us to achieve a higher success rate in reversing hair loss condition.

Growing phase (Anagen)

Cells in the root of your hair rapidly divide for new hair to form. Hair grows about half an inch a month. This phase lasts an average of 3-5 years.

Regressing phase (Catagen)

Active hair growth ceases, and individual hairs separate from the hair follicle. This phase lasts for about 10 days.

Resting phase (Telogen)

Hair strands remain in their follicles for about 3 months before falling off to make way for new hair follicles. After which, losing about 50-100 strands of hair per day is normal. Hair loss may occur when this growth cycle is disrupted. If your hair is not growing as long or fast as it used to be, you may be experiencing a disruption in your hair growth cycle for various reasons. Speak to us for a solution.


Get the treatment you deserve.

If you have been suffering from hair loss and are ready to recapture and redefine what beauty means to you, who better to get help from than an expert artisan?

Please indicate your current problem or share any other remarks for us to note before your appointment.

Let's start your journey of transformation.

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